Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Good Traffic to your blog - Blog Optimization

Once you set up a blog that has some useful information in it that your niche market would benefit from, it is time to start working on getting some traffic to it. The following steps will help you be able to drive some traffic to your blog: 1. Set up a Bloglet subscription form (http://www.bloglet.com) on your blog. Make sure that you invite all of your family, friends, colleagues, clients and associates to subscribe to it. 2. Set up a MyYahoo.com feed in order to ensure that Yahoo will spider your blog on a regular basis. 3. Spend some time reading and commenting on other blogs that belong to the same niche as your blog. You will want to write more than "nice blog" or "great post." Instead, spend a few minutes writing intelligent, useful comments then linking back to your own blog. 4. Every time that you publish a blog post, make sure that you use PingOMatic.com to ping the various blog directories and let them know that you have updated your blog. 5. Make sure that you submit your blog to traditional Search Engines. 6. Submit your blog to blog directories. You can find a comprehensive list of these directories at http://www.masternewmedia.org/rss/top55/ 7. Place a link to your blog in your own email signature as well as on every page of your web site. 8. If you have a newsletter, place a link to your blog in every issue. 9. Include a link to your blog in all of your autoresponder sequences, sales letters, reports and white papers. 10. Your blog's URL should be on all of your business cards, brochures and fliers. 11. Make sure that your RSS feed can be easily subscribed to. Many people enjoy subscribing to these feeds via their aggregators (news readers), so you definitely do not want to miss out on this type of traffic. 12. It is important that you post on your blog on a regular basis in order to keep your subscribers interested enough to continuously return to your blog. 13. Whenever you quote or refer to another blog in your posts, you need to make sure to use Trackback links. By doing this you will be sending a message to the owner of the other blog allowing them to know that you have posted a reference to their blog's post. This is also beneficial to your blog as well since your blog's link will now be visible on their blog. 14. Post articles in various article directories with a link back to your blog. If you spend time daily doing these things you will be able to watch your blog's traffic quickly grow. If you looking for a decent blog web hosting plan, you can search at http://www.topwebhostingreviews.org/blog-web-hosting , and for more web hosting rebate and web hosting deal you can search at hosting-rebate.com www.topwebhostingreviews.org is blog web hosting review site. Find the best blog hosting and web hosting rebate. For more visit http://www.hosting-rebate.com/


Cenay Nailor said...

You made 14 excellent points. I would like to comment further on number 3.

This technique can really boost your blog ranking within Google if you are selective about which blogs you comment on.

I am not saying don't comment on a blog if their Google Page Rank is non-existent or their Alexa rating is too high, but you can target blogs that already enjoy "rank" and share in this rare commodity.

In fact, this subject the the topic of a case study I am performing right now about how to Achieve Google Page Rank using nothing but comments.

I would value your feedback on the case study. And if you feel it's a worthy topic, please "Digg" it so others may find it.

And keep those SEO techniques coming. I have been lurking here for a while and really enjoy your posts.

Admin said...

You have a nice tip.. I would appreciate if you could put it into a sequencial manner.


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